Your Privacy Rights
This statement discloses the privacy practices of this website.
We believe you should know:
1. What information this site gathers about you
2. What this site does with the information it tracks
3. With whom this site shares the information it gathers
We collect personal information about our users for ordering and shipping purposes. We do not use cookie technology to track your movements.
We respect your right to privacy.
The personal information you provide - name, address, etc. - allows us to inform you of additional special offers which may be forthcoming, and to send you coupons, or notify you of products and services that relate directly to your specific interests.
All data is stored in a highly secure database with state of the art backup and firewall technologies. It is not accessible to any unauthorized parties. This means that your information is kept safe, and is not disclosed to any third parties.
You may choose to unsubscribe from the options in regard to receiving special offers, coupons, or information on products and services.